Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 27th, 2025 4:00PM

The alpine rating is low, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low.

Avalanche Canada Parks Canada, Avalanche Canada


Most models predict the inversion will break down, with temperatures returning to seasonal norms. Freezing temperatures in the alpine should help to stabilize the snowpack, but skiing conditions are likely to be challenging.




Avalanche Summary

During the inversion, Sunshine patrol observed several small loose wet avalanches. On one occasion, a wet loose avalanche triggered a size 1.5 slab.

Snowpack Summary

There has been widespread wind effect down into treeline in exposed areas. Where the wind hasn't had an impact, the surface is a mix of facets and/ or sun crust, depending on your location. Below this, the mid-pack consists primarily of facets. At the base of the snowpack lies a widespread, weak layer of depth hoar and a crust. It is dormant for now but should not be forgotten. Snow depths at the treeline range from 60 to 100 cm.

Weather Summary

A strong ridge of high pressure is over the region, keeping the skies clear and directing precipitation to the north coast of BC (see image). This pattern will hold for most of this week, with some possibility of snow by Friday or Saturday. For Tuesday expect sunny skies, treeline temps from -15 to -5 with some strong gap winds.

Valid until: Jan 28th, 2025 4:00PM
