Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 11th, 2023 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada cgarritty, Avalanche Canada


Seeking sheltered snow is a good way to avoid wind slabs, but all steep slopes should be approached with caution. A weak layer of surface hoar buried by the storm may still be in play.




Avalanche Summary

Visibility has been limited but avalanche observations are still coming in. On Saturday and Sunday, many natural and explosives-triggered wind slabs up to size 2.5 were reported in more northern and coastal parts of the region. These occurred on a wide range of aspects, predominantly in the alpine and to a lesser extent at treeline.

We have yet to receive a solid indication of the reactivity of our buried surface hoar layer.

Snowpack Summary

30-60 cm cm of recent storm snow has been redistributed by variable winds, which means wind slabs may be found on all aspects in exposed areas.

In more sheltered areas this recent snow may overlie large, feathery surface hoar at treeline (more likely a crust below treeline). Observations of the surface hoar since its burial on Dec 9 are limited but slabs that form where this layer is preserved could be surprisingly reactive - and destructive if triggered.

The mid snowpack contains several crusts from November that are generally well bonded to the surrounding snowpack. The height of snow at treeline is around 150 cm and tapers rapidly below treeline.

Weather Summary

Monday Night

Mainly clear, Southwest alpine wind 15 to 30 km/h.


Increasing cloud with isolated flurries. South alpine wind 30 to 70 km/h, increasing over the day and overnight. Treeline temperature -3°C with freezing level to 1200 m.


Cloudy with flurries continuing from overnight bringing up to 20 total cm of new snow. Southwest alpine wind 30 to 70 km/h, easing. Treeline temperature -2°C with Freezing level falling to 800 m.


Clearing. South alpine wind 40-60 km/h, increasing. Treeline temperature -3°C.

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Continue to make conservative terrain choices while the storm snow settles and stabilizes.
  • Be especially cautious as you transition into wind affected terrain.
  • Approach steep open slopes at and below treeline cautiously, buried surface hoar may exist.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

Shifting wind acting on 30-40 cm of recent snow has led to large wind slabs forming on a wide range of aspects in exposed areas. Pockets of preserved surface hoar at mid elevations could lead to surprising reactivity in more sheltered areas.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.


Possible - Likely

Expected Size

1.5 - 2.5

Valid until: Dec 12th, 2023 4:00PM
