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shannonjbrown, Sunday 22nd December, 2024 8:30AM
We skied Destiny today. Started around 0930, -4C through the day. Wind died down around 1030. Beautiful sunny day, with intermittent cloud cover. We dug a pit around 2240m at treeline on east facing slope on our way up: —height of snow 75cm —Ice crust at 10cm, failed at 4 wrist but snow that slid was not super consolidated —3-4 layers of crust After coming off Destiny, we wanted to get down into the gully to do a run in the powder at treeline (which turned out to be deep and not supportive and hell to skin back up). We both came over a short slope (which didn’t seem like a roll-over) to get into the gully, east facing and noticed a crack after we looked back (see picture). Neither of us felt any movement. We evaluated the terrain and snow a few different times on the way up to Destiny and felt confident. So it was a bit of a shock to see the crack in the small slope we skied down to get into the gully. All in all, a great day.

Location: 52.19701854 -117.17250120