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Pocket Hunting

northrockiesfieldteam, Wednesday 5th April, 2023 5:00PM
<p>Core Lodge was it's usually windy self today. We saw westerly winds transporting snow onto East to North facing slopes. As a result there were isolated pockets of wind slab below ridge crests that we stayed mindful of. But the small pockets we tested, with sleds, didn't budge. So we felt comfortable riding in big open tree line slopes where we could find some soft dry snow left over from the weekend. </p>

Weather Report

<p>Some blowing snow, moderate sun and snow dry at tree line</p>

Terrain Ridden

Convex slopes, Mellow slopes, Open trees, Steep slopes, Sunny slopes.

Terrain Avoided

Alpine slopes.

Snow Conditions

Hard, Powder, Wind affected.

Weather Conditions


Location: 54.86307000 -121.02081000