South Hector Peak
Banff Yoho Kootenay
jackvanlierop3807 , Friday 19th April, 2024 5:00PM
Round 2. Perfect clear weather, temps stayed below freezing in valley bottom until the afternoon. Temps stayed below zero all day at ridgetop with intense solar. Anywhere getting wind snow stayed dry, in steep rocky solar aspects top 5 was turning moist at 14:00 TL and up. Ski cut one size 1 wet loose, 5m wide, up to 10cm deep, 100m long, ran very sluggish only entraining the softer surface snow. Crust held up all day all elevations, nice corn skiing in sunny patches BTL at 15:00. No new naturals observed. Ski crampon season for sure on solar aspects.
Source: Avalanche Canada MIN