Mause area

South Rockies

jimn , Thursday 9th January, 2025 7:15PM

Mostly cloudy became mostly sunny. Sun was having an effect on solar aspects and we saw a few 1.5-2 avalanches in the alpine created by the sun, running in avy paths. Snow was outstanding where there was no solar effect and we saw no evidence of wind in the areas we were (treeline as highest). . Dug a pit: 2000m elevation, Snow depth 130cm, 30 degree slope, SW, partially shaded by trees. Layers at 23cm and 30cm. Firm but thin, possibly melt freeze, or old sun crust. Otherwise very consolidated and getting firmer the deeper you go. Moderate to hard results on compression (resistant planar on the layer 23cm down). no propagation on the extended column. No results on the 30cm layer. Thin sun crusts on solar aspects under the recent 1-2cm new snow. Widespread hoarfrost on surface.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
