
Banff Yoho Kootenay

jackvanlierop3807 , Thursday 23rd May, 2024 8:25PM

Skied up Haddon/Aberdeen via Saddleback Pass to the North glacier and down via the west couloir to Lake Louise. Surprising amount of snow on the Saddleback trail stretching almost all the way down to the parking lot. Good refreeze and fast travel conditions. In and out of the clouds all day with some graupel flurries and light wind transport. Average of 10cm fist+ snow above a supportive crust on the glacier. Snow started to turn moist around 2600m at 13:00, BTL was iso by 14:00. Ski cut one size one wind slab at the toe of the glacier on the way up, 5-10cm deep, 5m wide and ran 75m. Also had lots of graupel/sluff running far at a moderate pace in steeper alpine terrain. We were able to ski right off the summit of Aberdeen. Nice pow the whole way to the couloir, very firm entrance and top of the couloir, hot pow into corn below the couloir. Of note, Suprise Pass has scrubbed to ground across the main path but you could ski around the debris into the trees on skiers right. Sphinx and Dolphin looked thin. North Vic looked excellent.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
