Pedley Pass Spring Fun
South Rockies
Local Shreddar , Sunday 31st March, 2024 4:40PM
Good day up at Pedley Pass. Spring conditions were present with melt-freeze crust present on all aspects thickest on the southern aspects. On the northern aspects, the crust got thinner as we gained elevation. With no evidence of instabilities after digging a snowpit and walking around, we rode some alpine southern aspects. As we were coming back up the south aspect, we noticed rapid warming when the sun was present and the snow surface became wet. later on, we rode some familiar northern-facing runs that have been skier-compacted
We dug a snowpit to get an idea of the snowpack on southern aspects. Here are the results: CT5 SP Down 8cm on a melt-freeze crust because of two near surface crusts, there weren't any deep instabilities in the test
Source: Avalanche Canada MIN