Hidden Lake

South Coast Inland

lisaquattrocchi , Sunday 7th April, 2024 12:10PM

Obs from multi-day trip: Snowfall at Hidden Lake on Tuesday night was 20-25cm, variable winds on Thursday; skied low angle slopes for a few days. Ski cut a small, south facing 30 degree slope at 2100m on Wednesday and the storm snow slid (sluff, not slab) on sun crust. Ski cuts on southeast facing 30 degree slopes at 2000m on Thursday and Friday had same result. Ventured up to ridge on Friday and saw some point releases on surrounding slopes.. Photos taken from GR 538 744 NAD 1983; directions are approximate, but you get the idea. Time was 2pm, temp -1 Celsius in the sun, elevation 2300m. Great ski from ridge down N&NE facing slopes. Heavier snow on solar aspects.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
