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All Crust , No Bust!

northrockiesfieldteam, Tuesday 14th January, 2025 5:00PM
The rain crust that is currently hampering riding conditions around Wells is also limiting snow available for the wind to blow. This meant that moderate winds could not form the forecasted wind slabs. We checked around but saw no signs of instability like cracks, whumpfs, or recent avalanches. We dug a profile at 1895 m (upper treeline) on a south aspect and found 170cm of total snow (HS) and no significant test results (ECTN 24 dn 28 cm on DF). The mid & lower snowpack is well consolidated after recent warm temperatures. After verifying conditions, we stepped out cautiously into challenging terrain at treeline. You could definitely feel the crust catch as you rode but it broke away from the sleds making for OK riding. The best riding was in the trees where the crust was thinnest.

Location: 53.00653000 -121.55932000