McLoudy in McLatchie
South Rockies
southrockies , Tuesday 17th December, 2024 5:15PM
Cloudy (OVC) day out in McLatchie clearcuts today, where we found a total of (HS) 85cm of snow. Overall, the snowpack is well settled and unreactive to tests (ECT and CT), with a mixed layer down 30 cm of surface hoar (SH), graupel, and bits and pieces that would move if we beasted it (technical term ;-), but didn’t fail with normal snowpack testing. There has clearly been lots of snow ‘transport’ by wind in this area, with many areas scoured to ground, and other areas loaded in, but today was calm. No natural avalanches observed. Poor to no visibility into the Alpine. Access kinda-ok-sporty to km 25
Source: Avalanche Canada MIN