Halfdome backside
Kootenay Boundary
korterud36 , Monday 19th February, 2024 7:30PM
AST 2 group went up Half Dome. We did one run down Kutetel. The top of the half dome ridge was windy with moderate winds coming in from southeast. There was low visibility around Half Dome. The snow quality down Kutetel was good. We dug a snow profile at 1813m and found 40cm of various snow sitting on a thick crust. No surface hoar was found and we did a comparison test: CTEX. On the way up a 2 meter wide and 20cm deep slap sled around 3 meters in a steep feature triggered by a skier. We skied down from the ridge between Half dome and Ymir and skied down into Goat Slide. The snow was wind affected.
Source: Avalanche Canada MIN