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cut block

Jessica Drapeau, Sunday 8th January, 2023 8:50PM
<p>the vision was very bad with some ice raining on the morning. It changes in snow flacks stick together to for big one. We made our day 2 of the AST 1 and dog our pit on a cut block before lady bird. First layer of December 26th was easy, the seconde one of december 17 is moderate and she’s tricky because it’s form by 3 small layer. It has facets between those 3 layer. The last one of november 21th is hard. This last layer is on soft sown ( facets) and could be reactive. It slid after 7 tap from the shoulder if i remember well. I’m trying to put in practice what i learned sorry if i didn’t use the good term 😅</p>

Terrain Avoided

Alpine slopes.

Snow Conditions


Weather Conditions

Foggy, Wet, Windy.

Location: 49.41955000 -117.71201000