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Depth Hoar house of cards...

lessardjm, Saturday 7th January, 2023 5:40PM
<p>Exploratory day to seek new ski lines created by the Battleship Mtn wildfire in 09/2022. Great terrain opportunity but very low snowpack which is below threshold in certain areas BTL. 1cm temp crust (melted SH) on well consolidated HST (~30cm) on extremely weak fat layer of depth hoar to ground. Repeated CTM13 Sudden Collapse on Depth Hoar. Road plowed to km 76. Bring a chain saw, lots of danger trees still falling on Johnson FSR.</p>

Terrain Ridden

Mellow slopes, Open trees.

Terrain Avoided

Alpine slopes, Convex slopes, Steep slopes.

Snow Conditions


Weather Conditions

Sunny, Warm.

Location: 55.95132000 -122.61962000