Brooks delivers the goods!

Vancouver Island

kai , Sunday 29th December, 2024 4:15PM

Went for the annual Christmas break tour up brooks today. Great skiing to be had! It was snowing hard 3-4cm per hour with light to moderate winds until it tapered off in the early afternoon. It also got colder as the day went on. Ski pen was 15-35cm with light snow to make trail breaking a little easier. A very thin crust was found 15cm deep from before the Friday night snowfall. Dug 2 profiles, one on the first step leading up to the summit and the other on the North side around 1450m. Both column tests produced easy and moderate sudden planar results on numerous layers within the recent HST. Extended column test showed no signs of propagation from these layers. No avalanche activity observed other than some sluffing up to sz0.5 from the low density surface snow. Get it while it’s good!

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
