Surprises Still Possible


northrockiesfieldteam , Tuesday 12th March, 2024 6:10PM

The snowfall from the end of February has firmed up and not much has fallen since. Despite this, we saw a large avalanche that occurred last weekend. The nearby sled tracks had us wondering if it was sleddertriggered. While we're seeing fewer natural avalanches, we are concerned that people can trigger avalanches. Anywhere we dig down, we're still seeing the February persistent weak layers in the upper snowpack. These layers are now deep enough that they will produce large avalanches if triggered. For now, we're going to continue to stick to small slopes that are not connected to large features.
ECTP16 down 45 CTM18 SC down 45 CTH21 down 55 on February PWL's

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
