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Why The Red Face?

northrockiesfieldteam, Tuesday 14th March, 2023 5:10PM
<p>The March sun felt great out in the mountains around Barkerville today. Along with the sun’s the warmth is an increasing affect on the snowpack this time of year. We checked out cornices and steep, solar aspects to see how they are taking the heat. Today stayed cool enough that we saw only loose dry avalanches from steep rocky terrain. Light winds haven’t been enough to redistribute the latest 10cm of snow into slabs so we enjoyed moving around under bowls, below start zones and in a variety of terrain.</p>

Terrain Ridden

Mellow slopes, Open trees.

Terrain Avoided

Steep slopes, Sunny slopes.

Snow Conditions

Hard, Powder.

Weather Conditions


Location: 53.01794000 -121.55665000