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Molar Mdws

intothineyre, Sunday 23rd March, 2025 12:00PM
~ 11:00 at trailhead: -4, light winds, & occasional light snow ~ 1:15 pm: gentle slope, NW aspect, 2200m: -1, wind variable in speed and direction. HS 145 cm, Ski Pen ~15 cm, Boot Pen 35 cm. Snow moist. Could feel a resistant layer 60 cm down followed by variable resistant layers btw 60-80 cm down. Rather disconcerting was being able to simply let go of the probe after 80 cms and without any pushing, holding or guiding it simply dropped and fell through the remaining 65 cm of snow to the ground on its own. No whumpfing, settling or cracking observed. Snow skied well, though a bit heavy. Below ~ 1950m skis sometimes sank through to the ground if off beaten track. Afternoon: more intermittent light snow; W winds picked up; some snow bombs; some wind transport visible in the alpine. ~ 3:30 pm: +1 temp back at car

Location: 51.66235000 -116.27356000