Corbin - Rain Gauge

South Rockies

southrockies , Wednesday 21st February, 2024 7:10AM

Today in the Corbin area we found 50 to 65 cm of soft snow over a melt freeze crust. We suspect that in the alpine and open terrain, this soft snow is wind affected with evidence of windward slopes being stripped down to rock. There was some new snow overnight and through today with roughly 5 cm accumulated. The freezing level was hovering around 1500 m so it was raining lightly at the staging area. We didn’t observe any new avalanche activity but there was little visibility into the alpine. We had only resistant test results in our profile with a moderate compression test down 25 cm on the interface between the two storms (CTM (17) RP down 25 on FC size 2), and no result on the extended column test.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
