Avalanche Forecast
Regions: Cariboos.
Good - -1
Weather Forecast
A weak Pacific system is expected to run into the ridge of high pressure on Monday that should cause some light flurries. Clearing skies are expected by the afternoon or early evening. The wind should change to north by Tuesday morning as more high pressure moves across the interior. Clear skies and strong solar radiation is expected during the day on Tuesday, however northwest winds should help to keep alpine maximum temperatures close to -10.0 on shaded aspects. Temperatures should drop down to about -15.0 in the alpine by Wednesday morning. The ridge of high pressure is expected to continue to bring clear skies and light winds during the day Wednesday. Alpine temperatures may rise above freezing on solar aspects, but should remain slightly below freezing on shaded aspects.
Avalanche Summary
No new avalanches reported.
Snowpack Summary
There is a thin layer of new snow above the recently developed surface hoar (120209 SH). Some areas have reported that the surface hoar had grown to 50 mm before being buried. Some thin windslabs have developed due to down flowing air on large glaciated features. A melt-freeze crust has developed on solar aspects at all elevations, and on all aspects below about 1400 metres. The mid-pack is generally well settled. There is some concern that large loads like cornices may trigger the Jan. 20th facet layer. Some shallow snowpack areas may continue to have a weak layer of basal facets near the ground.
Avalanche Problems
Aspects: North, North East, East.
Elevations: Alpine.
Likelihood: Unlikely - Possible
Expected Size: 1 - 5