Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Nov 22nd, 2016 3:35PM

The alpine rating is below threshold, the treeline rating is below threshold, and the below treeline rating is below threshold.

Avalanche Canada cam_c, Avalanche Canada

Danger is expected to increase with forecast snow and wind. As always, and especially when forecast confidence is low, it's important to supplement this forecast with your own observations. Please post your obs to the MIN.




Weather Forecast

Snowfall starting overnight Tuesday is expected to continue throughout Wednesday with 10-15cm of fresh snow by Wednesday evening. Strong southerly ridgetop winds are expected at the onset of the storm before shifting to light to moderate southwesterlies for Wednesday. Another moderate system is expected to impact the area on Thursday, with a stronger system expected on Friday. Daytime high freezing levels are expected to hover around 1400 m throughout the forecast period.

Avalanche Summary

No avalanches have been reported in this region.

Snowpack Summary

We have insufficient data to create a reliable snowpack structure for this region. What little information we have suggests there is significantly less snow than in the N. Columbia region and many areas at treeline elevations and below may still be below threshold for avalanching.

Valid until: Nov 23rd, 2016 2:00PM
