Fair - Timing or intensity of solar radiation is uncertain on Sunday
Weather Forecast
Sunday: Cloudy with sunny breaks. Cloud increasing through the day and light precipitation starting by evening. Light to moderate SW winds. Freezing level around 1700 m.Monday: Light to moderate convective precipitation. Moderate SW winds. Freezing level around 1600 m. Clearing in the evening.Tuesday: Sunshine in the morning, changing to cloud and light precipitation late in the day. Moderate S winds. Freezing level around 1400 m.
Avalanche Summary
Recent observations include cornice falls (size 1-2) and glide slab releases to size 3.5. Loose moist avalanches have been observed during periods of warming.
Snowpack Summary
A generally strong and deep spring snowpack exists. At this time of year, snowpack stability tends to decrease during times of warming (e.g. on slopes receiving sunshine, during rainfall, in the afternoon and at low elevations) and improve when the surface freezes. Conditions may be quite icy in the morning. A crust layer from late March, buried within the upper 2 m of the snowpack, remains a lingering concern. Large cornices threaten slopes and glide slab releases are a possibility, especially in steep rocky terrain.
Loose Wet
Aspects: All aspects.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.
Elevations: Alpine.
Expected Size
Valid until: Apr 15th, 2012 9:00AM