Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Mar 30th, 2024 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is below threshold. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada dsaly, Avalanche Canada


Fresh snow! ...and wind. Expect to find more reactive deposits in wind-loaded areas and a more widespread problem as snowfall accumlates.




Avalanche Summary

No new avalanches have been reported.

Cornices are big, give them space both above and below, and expect large cornices to be fragile, especially with loading or daytime warming.

Snowpack Summary

Up to 20 cm fresh snow on Saturday alongside strong southwest wind.

Under this new snow, a widespread crust covers most surfaces at lower elevations and sunny aspects into the alpine. Cold, dry snow remained on shady aspects at upper elevations, and recent winds redistributed and pressed available snow into northerly aspects.

Large, fragile cornices can be found on exposed ridgelines and should be given a wide berth.

In some areas, particularly in the Haines Summit, a weak layer of facets or surface hoar is buried 50-80 cm. This layer is unlikely to trigger from the weight of a rider, but concern exists with very large loads like cornice falls.

Weather Summary

Saturday Night

Snow and flurries, up to 10 cm. Southwest ridgetop wind 40-80 km/h. Treeline temperature low of -6 °C. Freezing level valley bottom.


Flurries, another 5-10 cm snow. Strong southwest ridgetop wind 40-70 km/h. Treeline temperature -6 °C. Freezing level valley bottom.


Flurries, up to 5 cm. Southwest ridgetop wind decreasing to 30-50 km/h. Treeline temperature -8 °C. Freezing level valley bottom.


Snow, 5-10 cm. Southwest ridgetop wind 20-40 km/h. Treeline temperature -6 °C. Freezing level valley bottom.

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Closely monitor how the new snow is bonding to the crust.
  • Watch for newly formed and reactive wind slabs as you transition into wind affected terrain.
  • Use extra caution around cornices: they are large, fragile, and can trigger slabs on slopes below.
  • When a thick, melt-freeze surface crust is present, avalanche activity is unlikely.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

Up to of 20 cm fresh snow is forecast to accumulate alongside a strong southwest wind. Expect to find deeper and more reactive deposits around ridges and lee features.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Mar 31st, 2024 4:00PM
