Avalanche Forecast
Issued: Apr 21st, 2018 3:44PM
The alpine rating is Loose Wet, Persistent Slabs and Wind Slabs.
, the treeline rating is , and the below treeline rating is Known problems includeSummary
Moderate - Timing or intensity of solar radiation is uncertain
Weather Forecast
A ridge of high pressure will develop for the forecast period bringing clear skies and light ridgetop winds. The freezing level will hover around 1800m on Sunday and then rise to about 2600m for Monday and Tuesday.
Avalanche Summary
No new avalanches were reported at the time of publishing this bulletin, although I'm sure there was a round of wind slab activity on Saturday in response to new snow and strong overnight winds. Loose wet avalanches and cornice falls are expected to become problematic with warming and solar radiation forecast for Sunday and Monday. Warming also has the potential to wake-up the late March crust interface with the possibility of surprisingly large and destructive avalanches.
Snowpack Summary
New snow and wind on Saturday formed fresh wind slabs in upper elevation lee terrain. The new snow overlies settled storm snow on shaded aspects above 2000m and a melt-freeze crust in most other areas.A weak layer consisting of surface hoar, facets, and/or a melt-freeze crust from late March is now buried about 60 to 140 cm below the surface. This layer is spotty in its distribution and has recently produced large and destructive avalanches. It is most likely to be problematic on west, north, and east aspects between 1900 m and 2250 m. Professionals are treating this layer very cautiously and avoiding steep, unsupported terrain. Read Conditions report here.The mid and lower snowpack are well-settled and strong.
Loose Wet
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Persistent Slabs
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Wind Slabs
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Valid until: Apr 22nd, 2018 2:00PM