Weather Forecast
Saturday/Sunday: The high pressure system digs deeper! Winds remain light under clear, sunny skies. Alpine temperatures climb to near double digits for Sunday afternoon with freezing levels reaching 3000m. It is possible that there will not be a refreeze at treeline and below on Sunday night.Monday: The ridge should begin to break down. Skies will remain clear, light southwesterly winds should begin to blow and alpine temperatures will climb to just above freezing.
Avalanche Summary
Loose wet sluffs up to size 2.0 have been reported on south and west aspects. Isolated large cornice falls have also been reported; none of these recent cornice events have pulled slabs on the slopes below.
Snowpack Summary
Recent warm temperatures have created melt freeze crusts up to 2200m on all aspects and to ridgecrest on south and west facing terrain. These crusts break down with daytime warming and the surface snow can lose cohesion as a result. Isothermal conditions as deep as 100cm at treeline on south aspects have been reported. Cornices are huge!Mid and lower snowpack layers are well bonded.
Loose Wet
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.
Elevations: Alpine.
Expected Size
Valid until: Mar 30th, 2013 2:00PM