Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 18th, 2022 4:00PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Wind Slabs.

Avalanche Canada jleblanc, Avalanche Canada


Be aware of the potential for reverse loading and encountering wind slabs in places you might not expect them.

If you're getting out in the cold, remember that freezing temperatures make for higher consequences.




Avalanche Summary

No avalanches have been reported in this area recently. If you venture into the backcountry, please consider submitting a MIN report, as it helps to strengthen our data gathering.

Snowpack Summary

The region received a total of 10-15 cm of snow since Friday. This new snow overlies a highly wind-affected surface, including a wide variation in snowpack depths. Exposed alpine areas have been scoured, while lee slopes can see 150 cm.

In sheltered areas at treeline, a layer of surface hoar crystals is found down 20 to 30 cm. Although this layer has not been producing avalanches recently, reverse-loading may increase the likelihood of triggering.

The snowpack is somewhat shallow but, for the most part, settled and well consolidated with no layers of concern being reported.

Weather Summary

Arctic air has arrived, and the region will remain extremely cold through the end of the week. Gusty outflow winds are expected.

Sunday night

A mix of sun and clouds. No precipitation. Easterly wind at 40 km/h. Temperatures steady around -24ËšC.


Mostly clear. No precipitation. Easterly wind at 30 km/h. Temperatures steady around -26ËšC.


Mostly clear. No precipitation. Easterly wind at 40 km/h. Temperatures steady around -28ËšC.


Mostly clear. No precipitation. Easterly wind at 40 km/h. Temperatures steady around -28ËšC.

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • Recent wind has varied in direction so watch for wind slabs on all aspects.
  • Watch for signs of instability like whumpfing, hollow sounds, shooting cracks or recent avalanches.
  • Use ridges or ribs to avoid areas of wind loaded snow.


Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs

New snow combined with strong outflow winds will likely create fresh wind slabs on lee slopes and cross-loaded features. They could overlie a weak layer of surface hoar, facets, and/or a crust. Be aware of the potential for reverse loading and encountering wind slabs on slopes you might not expect them.

Aspects: South East, South, South West, West.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Possible - Likely

Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Dec 19th, 2022 4:00PM
