Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 11th, 2016 3:48PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Storm Slabs.

Avalanche Canada rbuhler, Avalanche Canada

Lingering wind slabs are expected throughout the region.  In the deeper snowfall areas in the south of the region, a more widespread storm slab problem may develop if the storm snow settles into a slab.



Low - Due to the number of field observations on Sunday

Weather Forecast

Dry conditions with a mix of sun and cloud is expected for Monday but lingering flurries are possible in the morning. Treeline temperatures are expected to be around -15C and alpine winds are forecast to be light from the north. On Tuesday and Wednesday, sunny and dry conditions are expected. Treeline temperature are expected to remain around -15C and alpine winds are generally expected to remain light from the north.

Avalanche Summary

Recent field observations have been limited but a MIN report from the south of the region on Saturday suggests the new storm snow is sluffing in steeper terrain. By the end of the storm, enough snow has accumulated in the south of the region for the formation of storm slabs. In many areas, the new snow is expected to be poorly bonding to the old interface. However, limited reports over the weekend suggest that the new snow is low density and no wind transport has been observed. With the current uncertainty about the new snow, it is best to watch for signs that the new snow is settling into a slab and look for areas where the new snow may be stiffer due to wind loading. Caution is needed throughout the region in wind loaded areas where the old wind slabs from the end of last week may still be lingering.

Snowpack Summary

In the south of the region, 40-60cm of new low density snow has buried the heavily wind affected surfaces from the strong outflow winds last week. The old surface is highly variable and may include hard wind pressed or scoured areas, old wind slabs, weak faceted snow, or small surface hoar. Storm slabs are possible in the south of the region and it is expected that the new snow is bonding poorly to the old interface. The cold temperatures appear to be preserving the old wind slabs from the end of last week and they still may be reactive to human triggering in isolated areas throughout the region. In high elevation terrain in the north of region, 15-25cm of new snow and moderate south winds over the weekend may have formed soft wind slabs in immediate leeward features. The widespread mid-November crust typically down over 1m in the snowpack. Recent snowpack tests have shown the crust to be unreactive, but it could become a problem in shallow alpine start zones.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs
In the south of the region, snowfall accumulations are enough that storm slabs may have developed. The new snow is expected to be bonding poorly to the old surface. Throughout the region, expect wind slabs on all aspects in exposed terrain.
Use ridges or ribs to avoid pockets of wind loaded snow.Avoid open slopes and convex rolls at treeline where buried surface hoar may be reactive.Be cautious as you transition into wind affected terrain.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Dec 12th, 2016 2:00PM
