Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 4th, 2013 4:00PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Wind Slabs and Loose Dry.

Parks Canada A.L. Horton, Parks Canada

Cornices are beginning to weaken and there have be a number of close calls in neighboring forecast areas.  Stay well back from corniced ridge lines.


Weather Forecast

Clearing overnight with clouds moving back in Saturday afternoon.  No precipitation is expected in the next 24 hours and winds will be light from the northwest. Seasonal temperatures are forecast, slightly cooler overnight.

Snowpack Summary

The snowpack is faceting and losing strength especially in shallow areas.  At tree line and above, the mid-pack is generally supportive where the snow depth is greater than a meter.  Wind slabs are present in lee features at upper elevations. Surface hoar is developing with the cool overnight temperatures and light valley bottom winds.

Avalanche Summary

No avalanches reported today though expect some loose snow sluffing on solar aspects.



Wind Slabs

An icon showing Wind Slabs
Wind slabs can be found above tree line in exposed terrain. These slabs have been unreactive to skier traffic, however, it is still possible to trigger a slab in steep unsupported terrain.
Be cautious as you transition into wind affected terrain.

Aspects: North, North East, East, South East, South.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Unlikely - Possible

Expected Size

1 - 3

Loose Dry

An icon showing Loose Dry
Loose snow avalanches are likely on steep thin slopes and in gulley features.  Loose snow avalanches are possible on all aspects, however, solar triggering is most likely.
Be cautious of sluffing in steep terrain.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.



Expected Size

1 - 2

Valid until: Jan 5th, 2013 4:00PM
