Avalanche Forecast
Issued: Mar 5th, 2016 4:00PM
The alpine rating is Deep Persistent Slabs, Wind Slabs and Cornices.
, the treeline rating is , and the below treeline rating is Known problems includeSummary
Weather Forecast
Rising freezing levels (up to 2000m) with moderate West winds and small amounts of precipitation are forecast for Sunday. Watch for sunny periods that will greatly increase warming.
Snowpack Summary
Valley bottoms have begun to melt out. Warm days and cool nights are bringing us to the edge of spring conditions below treeline. At treeline and above there are suncrusts, windslabs near ridgecrests, and rotten weak pockets in shallower areas. In most areas it is still possible to find a layer of rotten facets in the midpack underlying a slab.
Avalanche Summary
Poor visibility limited observations, but no new avalanches were seen today.
Freezing levels are uncertain
Deep Persistent Slabs
Aspects: All aspects.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Wind Slabs
Aspects: North, North East, East.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Aspects: North, North East, East, South East.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Valid until: Mar 6th, 2016 4:00PM