Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 26th, 2022 4:00PM

The alpine rating is low, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low.

Avalanche Canada wlewis, Avalanche Canada


Pack your crampons and sunscreen - It's sunny and clear but backcountry travel may be challenging.

Avalanche activity is unlikely due to a thick surface crust.



High - Confidence is due to a stable weather pattern with little change expected.

Weather Forecast

A high pressure system has established itself across the coast. Clear skies and warm air at higher elevations will persist until Friday.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Valley cloud/fog. Light southwesterly winds, freezing levels around 2500 m.

THURSDAY: Sunny, with some valley cloud. Winds increase to moderate from the southwest, freezing levels around 2600 m. Alpine high of +8.

FRIDAY: Scattered cloud with moderate southwest winds. Freezing levels remain high above 2000 m during the day, drop to 1000 m in the evening. Alpine high +4.

SATURDAY: Partly cloudy with strong southwest winds. Light snowfall is expected. Freezing level 1000 m, alpine high of 0. 

Avalanche Summary

No new avalanche activity has been reported. 

Observations remain limited. If you head out into the mountains, please share any observations or photos on the Mountain Information Network.

Snowpack Summary

A thick crust extends from valley bottom to mountain top. Surface conditions remain solid despite the warm temperatures and sun. 

Below this crust, snow is moist down 30-50 cm and several old crusts are now breaking down. The middle and base of the snowpack are well settled and strong, consisting of well bonded snow and various hard melt-freeze crusts. The snowpack has receded back to marginal levels below treeline with many hazards present. 

Check out a MIN report on travel conditions from the Prince of Wales range. 

Terrain and Travel

  • Rocks will heat up with daytime warming and may become trigger points for loose wet avalanches
  • As surface loses cohesion due to melting, loose wet avalanches become common in steeper terrain.

Valid until: Jan 27th, 2022 4:00PM
