Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Jan 17th, 2021 4:00PM

The alpine rating is considerable, the treeline rating is considerable, and the below treeline rating is moderate. Known problems include Storm Slabs and Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada astclair, Avalanche Canada


Recent snow and wind are likely to form reactive slabs. Avoid drifted areas and assess open slopes and rollovers where a weak layer may be preserved. 



Moderate - Uncertainty is due to the limited number of field observations. Uncertainty is due to the fact that persistent slabs are particularly difficult to forecast.

Weather Forecast

Sunday night: Cloudy, isolated flurries with trace accumulations, light northwest winds, freezing level dropping to valley bottom.

Monday: A mix of sun and cloud, light northwest winds, alpine high temperatures around -8 C.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy with flurries bringing about 5 cm of new snow, winds shift to the southwest and increase to strong, alpine high temperatures around -7 C.

Wednesday: Mix of sun and cloud, isolated flurries with trace accumulations, light west winds, alpine high temperatures around -12 C.

Avalanche Summary

Recent snow and wind has added a new storm slab problem and obscured a previous wind slab problem, while also adding more load to the Jan 11 buried surface hoar. Cornices may be reaching their breaking point and can act as triggers on slopes below. 

Observations are still limited, but professional operators reported a small (size 1) avalanche releasing 40 cm deep on the Jan 11th surface hoar layer on Saturday. Observers south of Valemount also reported reactivity on the surface hoar buried down 45 cm. They saw both shooting cracks and slab activity at 1700m on an easterly aspect. 

Since field observations in this region are limited, please consider submitting your observations to the Mountain Information Network. 

Snowpack Summary

Snow accumulations over the weekend ranged from 5-25 cm, with higher totals in the east of the region. Winds have switched direction from the south to the northwest, creating a tricky reverse wind-loading pattern at upper elevations. Prior to the recent snowfall, observers reported extensive wind-affect at treeline and alpine elevations across the region (check out these MINs from near McBride and Barkerville). Recent new snow may be hiding wind slabs that were visible before the snow fell. Ongoing snow and wind over the past week have contributed to notable cornice growth.

40-60 cm of snow from the past week has buried a weak of layer of surface hoar that has shown reactivity in snowpack tests. This persistent weak layer is more likely to be preserved at elevations above where a thick crust exists and below more wind-affected terrain. It is most suspect in sheltered, open slopes at and below treeline.

A couple of older persistent weak layers exist in the mid to lower snowpack. The distribution of these layers is variable, but they follow a similar pattern to the layer discussed above. The upper layer from late December, down about 70-120 cm, consists of spotty surface hoar at shaded treeline and below treeline elevations. Snowpack tests have been giving increasingly resistant results. The lower layer from early December buried 150 cm deep consists of a combination of decomposing surface hoar with a crust and faceted snow. This layer is most prevalent in areas near Valemount. Observations from adjacent regions show the lower layer as largely unreactive, but it remains a prominent feature in the lower snowpack.

Terrain and Travel

  • Storm snow and wind is forming touchy slabs. Use caution in lee areas in the alpine and treeline.
  • Recent new snow may be hiding windslabs that were easily visible before the snow fell.
  • Approach steep open slopes at and below treeline cautiously, buried surface hoar may exist.
  • Storm slabs in motion may step down to deeper layers resulting in large avalanches.


Storm Slabs

An icon showing Storm Slabs

10-25 cm of recent snow and shifting winds have created storm slab problems that vary with elevation and wind exposure. In exposed areas, thick wind slabs should be expected in leeward features across a wide range of aspects. Ongoing wind and snow over the past week have contributed to cornice growth. Cornice falls may trigger avalanches on the slopes below. 

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: All elevations.


Likely - Very Likely

Expected Size

1 - 2

Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Persistent Slabs

A weak layer of surface hoar buried Jan 11 can be found 40-60 cm deep. There is uncertainty with how this persistent slab problem will react to the load from the new snow and wind. A couple of surface hoar layers from December can still be found buried 50-100 cm and 80-140 cm below the surface. They are highly variable in distribution and trending toward dormancy, but the possibility exists for avalanches to step down to these layers. 

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Treeline, Below Treeline.


Unlikely - Possible

Expected Size

2 - 3

Valid until: Jan 18th, 2021 4:00PM
