Avalanche Forecast
Issued: Apr 23rd, 2012 4:37PM
The alpine rating is Deep Persistent Slabs and Loose Wet.
, the treeline rating is , and the below treeline rating is Known problems includeLittle overnight freezing is expected for the next 3 days. Conditions are not likely to improve until a solid freeze happens.
Weather Forecast
Snowpack Summary
Avalanche Summary
Deep Persistent Slabs
Steady rain overnight has weakened the surface layers of the snowpack. This has lead to many loose snow avalanches that have stepped down to weaker layers.
Aspects: North, North East, East.
Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.
Expected Size
Loose Wet
Steady rain overnight has weakened the surface layers of the snowpack. Isothermal conditions exist below 1600m.
Aspects: All aspects.
Elevations: All elevations.
Expected Size
Valid until: Apr 24th, 2012 4:00PM