Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Dec 16th, 2019 5:00PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is moderate, and the below treeline rating is low.

Avalanche Canada dsaly, Avalanche Canada

Triggering an avalanche is most likely in wind affected terrain and steep rocky slopes.



Moderate - Uncertainty is due to extremely variable snowpack conditions reported through the region.

Weather Forecast

Monday Night: Cloudy with clear periods and isolated flurries. Alpine temperature -10 C. West wind 25-55 km/hr.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy, partly sunny. Alpine temperature -7 C. West wind 25-40 km/hr.

Wednesday: Mix of sun and cloud. Alpine temperature -8 C. West wind 15-30 km/hr.

Thursday: Cloudy with isolated flurries, trace to 10 cm. Alpine temperature -8. West wind 25-45 km/hr.

Avalanche Summary

Most recent avalanche activity (mid to late last week) was limited to a few wind slab avalanches (size 1-2) triggered with explosives.

Snowpack Summary

Strong winds redistributed 15-20 cm of recent fresh snow and have formed wind slabs on lee features in the alpine around treeline. Weak snow can be found 30-80 cm deep around crust layers that formed in November and October. These persistent weak layers produced large avalanches last weekend but have gained strength since then. Snowpack depths range between 50-150 cm at higher elevations and taper rapidly below treeline.

Valid until: Dec 17th, 2019 5:00PM
