Avalanche Forecast

Issued: Mar 25th, 2023 4:00PM

The alpine rating is moderate, the treeline rating is low, and the below treeline rating is low. Known problems include Deep Persistent Slabs.

Avalanche Canada trettie, Avalanche Canada


Continue to practice good group management, high mark or ski steep slopes one at a time and minimize time below cornices.

Back off steep slopes as the surface becomes moist.




Avalanche Summary

Small loose wet and loose dry avalanches continue to be triggered by skiers in steep terrain.

Snowpack Summary

Up to 15 cm of new snow overlies a crust on all terrain except north facing slopes treeline and above. On these high northerly slopes new snow overlies facets and surface hoar to mountain tops.

30-50 cm down there is another sun crust on sunny aspects and surface hoar (3-10 mm) on isolated shady and sheltered slopes. Distribution of this surface hoar is spotty.

The remainder of the mid-snowpack is generally strong but the lower snowpack is a different story. The November facets are still prominent at the base of the snowpack. They are showing signs of improving but this layer remains a significant concern for human triggering in rocky, shallow, or thin-to-thick snowpack areas at treeline and above. Small avalanches and cornice falls also have the potential to trigger this deep layer.

Weather Summary

Saturday Night

Mostly cloudy with the possibility of flurries bringing a few cm of new snow. Light northwest winds and a low of -9°C at 1800 m.


A mix of sun and cloud with the possibility of convective flurries bringing up to 5 cm of new snow. Light variable winds and freezing levels rising to 1600 m.


A mix of sun and cloud with the possibility of light flurries bringing a few cm of new snow. Light northwest winds and freezing levels rising to 1500 m.


Clear skies with no new snow expected. Light northerly winds and freezing levels rising to 1500 m.

More details can be found in the Mountain Weather Forecast.

Terrain and Travel Advice

  • In areas where deep persistent slabs may exist, avoid shallow or variable depth snowpacks and unsupported terrain features.
  • Avoid sun exposed slopes when the solar radiation is strong, especially if snow is moist or wet
  • Minimize your exposure time below cornices.


Deep Persistent Slabs

An icon showing Deep Persistent Slabs

A weak layer of facets exists near the base of the snowpack. The likelihood of human triggering is low given the layer's depth, but large triggers such as cornice failures or smaller avalanches in motion have the potential to produce very large avalanches with surprisingly wide propagation. Suspect terrain for human triggering includes steep, shallow, and rocky terrain where the snowpack transitions from thin to thick.

Aspects: All aspects.

Elevations: Alpine, Treeline.


Unlikely - Possible

Expected Size

2.5 - 4

Valid until: Mar 26th, 2023 4:00PM
