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Five Mile/Ymir Bowl

allenclimbs, Monday 2nd January, 2023 7:10PM
<p>FAST skiing out there! Very supportive and fun snow barely up to your boot top. A couple of notes.. there was a zipper crust on pretty much everything in Five Mile, maybe it came up with the afternoon/evening fog that has been crepping up the valleys the last couple days? Also, down about 35-45cms there was a melt freeze crust (up to 1 inch) that seemed to be prevalent most places we looked for it (you couldn't even bust through it with your boot!) We stayed away from steep, shallow and rocky slopes but all in all the snow seemed quite stable (also lots of slope testing out there from parties skiing steeper lines) Happy new years!</p>

Terrain Ridden

Alpine slopes, Open trees, Sunny slopes.

Terrain Avoided

Convex slopes.

Snow Conditions


Weather Conditions

Cold, Sunny.

Location: 49.44619000 -117.11977000