Parton River - Samuel Glacier

Yukon Field Team

We put some clicks on the sleds and accessed the Samuel Gl/Nadahini area from via the Parton river. Access via the Parton will still be doable as long as it stays cool but some of the creek bridges were getting small and the thinner snowpack through the buckbrush zone will get punchy pretty fast if it heats up. The day started out pretty cloudy but improved into the afternoon allowing us to access some of the higher alpine valleys. South aspects are either wind smashed, scoured, or melted out at this time while northerly aspects and lower angle southerlies are holding great snow. 30cm of powder in many places. We observed no avalanches and did not have any other signs of instability. Surface snow was moist below 1000m on our way home at the end of the day. We probed 300cm of snow on the glaciers.
