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Joffrey lake to Tsizil mountian saddle

dkaplos32, Saturday 6th January, 2024 9:40AM
I am not sure how OK and Terrible is on the scale. But this trip was basically just hiking on ski, not skiing. So based the report on that. Skiing was pretty bad on wind-affected slopes. Skining up is possible from the parking lot but on an ice-covered very thin layer of snow. A good amount of rocks are on the way to the third lake. From the third lake in the direction to the saddle, there is a pretty tough way to get through the forest and boulder field. Trees on the grounds, are sometimes difficult to get over creeks and boulders. Going down is better with skins on. Sking down is pretty hard. And get close to impossible under form the 2nd lake down. From the second lake, we put on crampons and walked back down.

Location: 50.32874000 -122.49350000