Parker’s ridge
Wednesday 29th November, 2023 9:37PM
Did a couple laps up around Parker’s today. Let’s summarize. Usually a fun sayings is max din, minimal skill. Today was more so minimum snow, moderate wind. Between the sastrugi and visible grass for moments I thought I was in the prairies. If someone tells you they found good turns around here lately you should probably go buy some beach front property next to them in Arizona. Today was a game of rock, paper, base layer. We all know it’s been a low snow start to this season and hurts seeing those social media memories from a few years back reminding us how we were previously able to find some good turns vs this seasons post holing to ankle deep before hitting ground. The summer trail is what we followed with the fence still being mid thigh although I’m not one to duck under many things and mid thigh isn’t very high usually around this time the fence is just popping up in areas. I would give it a few more storms before returning to protect the vegetation and the edges. Overall good to get out and get some fitness in but the snow depth prevented me from digging in the pack and getting a probed measurement of snow as it was extremely variable from wind transport, pockets of snow, wind slab, grass and rocks.

Location: 52.18144509 -117.11723985