Windy Day in the Duff
Sunday 9th April, 2023 12:20AM
<p>Awesome but very windy day in the Duffy. Original plan was to ski the Twin One couloir. When approaching to the col, we experienced extreme gusts of wind (~90kph) and decided to look for more sheltered skiing
We saw a ton of snow movement due to wind, and slab formation. We weren't able to trigger any larger slides with propagation, only point sluffing from the skier
We then descended down the NE couloir from Motel 66, which was a bit more sheltered. The couloir had a ~15cm wind slab throughout however we weren't able to get this to move with ski cutting. The couloir skied excellent</p>
Terrain Ridden
Dense trees, Steep slopes.
Terrain Avoided
Alpine slopes, Convex slopes.
Snow Conditions
Wind affected.
Weather Conditions
Cloudy, Stormy, Windy.
Location: 50.33392000 -122.41727000