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East Duffy

jndm120, Tuesday 2nd January, 2024 8:50AM
Boot-top champagne powder on a supportive base above ~1800m in the east duffy. Below that is crusty mayhem. Travel through treeline terrain is treaturous. FSR snow coverage starting at the hwy but icy. Planning a route with efficient travel through to the alpine combined with good visibility is key to getting to the good skiing. HS between 45-70cm @ 2000m on NW 25deg slope. 122023 MFCr is apparent but thin, with seemingly 4F/Facets snow above and below from probing. Winds Nil to Light-SW throughout the day at ridge top. No significant signs of wind transport. SA sz1 windslab on a steep convex roll below ridge top, NW 2100m. ~20cm crown, soft slab. No propagation across entire width of roll nor signs of stepping down. Skier was able to easily cut out to safety from the path. See photos 3 & 4 No signs of instability on planar slopes.

Location: 50.40177000 -122.29948000