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Wawa Ridge

wseah, Sunday 3rd December, 2023 9:20PM
Skiied a few laps off Wawa ridge, snow depth anywhere from 10-50cm but generally found it on the deeper side in most places. Very windy at ridgetop with lots of wind transport happening, but didn't see any signs of instability aside from a thin windskin sending some shooting cracks. Dug a few hand shears in the alpine (E facing slopes), the blocks tended to just fall apart with no distinct failure. Seems the snow has managed to avoid being pressed into a dense slab for now. Winds started from the SW and seemed to shift to from the SE by mid-afternoon. Snow was still falling when we left at 3pm. Got some good turns and almost forgot about the slow start to this season until a lurking shark snapped me back to reality. Still quite a few out there.

Location: 51.09032735 -115.79342164