Matthew Creek
npin , Saturday 25th January, 2025 10:15AM
Skiing in Matthew Creek area on Jan 24, we found a mix of faceted pow and wind affected snow. Average height of snow in the area was ~140cm. Wind exposed areas were scoured of new snow from prevailing SW winds. We skied North through East aspects.
Testing the soft upper layers, we had an easy result in a shovel tilt test at 5cm, which appeared to fail on preserved Stellars. There is also an easily identifiable layer of Surface Hoar down ~20cm, but no results in tests. A relatively hard layer down 45cm was also easy to identify, but no definitive results (one planar result in compression test, but this was likely influenced by a rock present at the bottom of the column).
-19C on car thermometer at 0900, and -8C at 1700.
Source: Avalanche Canada MIN