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ktjw, Monday 17th February, 2025 10:00AM
HS 345cm NW aspect 35deg slope 1430m elevation No wind CTH11 down 30-35cm RP Crust at 80cm down Crust at 100cm down Crust 140cm down Air temp -0.5c Surface -1.5c 10cm down -3.5c 20cm down -3.5c 30cm down-5c 40cm down -5.5c 50cm down -5.5c 60cm down -5c 70cm down -5c 80cm down -4.5c 90cm down -4c 100cm down -3c 110cm down -2.5c Evidence of slide on steep north aspects that had a dusting of snow covering the crown, likely slid yesterday (see pics). Crown was about 15cm deep, a few meters wide.

Location: 49.41134000 -123.19464000