Hello Facets my old friend, I've come to dig you out again
Tuesday 11th March, 2025 3:00PM
*Viewer discretion is advised*
I'm just an amateur who dug a test profile in a spot that has almost definitely been skiied over recently and throughout the season and therefore not a good representation. If you should take away anything, it's that the layer of facets is still present and could be a problem.
Saw a natural slab avalanche from a distance on lookers left of Molars South. Crown was across entire part of that face. Looked like some fresh snow was covering it but still quite recent. (Picture included)
Lots of bombing on Redemption N by KHMR patrol with explosive triggered slides observable from Rudi S.
Test profile on north side of Rudi's ridge at ridgeline: CTM15 SC on FC 3-6mm layer down 120. Same layer I saw a more resistant result next to this spot 2 weeks ago but this facet layer is now 20cm deeper with the recent snowfall. ECTN15 partial fracture as can be seen in picture. Foot pen 65. HS 165 at test profile.
**If you are dropping into Rudi N first entrance skier's right, be aware there may be a small pit left by me (picture included) filled it as much as I could.

Location: 51.29343608 -117.09121411