Good Snow Down Low

North Rockies

northrockiesfieldteam , Thursday 7th March, 2024 6:00PM

The winds were howling on the ridge tops at Wolverine today but there was plenty of soft snow to be found hidden in the small openings and cutblocks. The cutblocks are fun but are full of small trees and have sharks in the water. Like everywhere else Tumbler Ridge is having a shallow year with only ~100 cm at treeline (30 cm over the crust) and you could still see trees, stumps and rocks poking up just under the surface. It snowed all day but only amounted to about 5 cm in total by the time we left. We dug a couple of profiles and found that the layer of facets over the crust was growing stubborn but still far from trustworthy. After some fun in the trees, we managed to just squeak out to the truck by the fumes in our tanks.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
