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Ski traverse plan b

liimujared, Friday 14th April, 2023 5:40PM
<p>Conditions report over the last 4 days in the Duffey in the Cerise Ck. Area. 04/12 skied Vantage N face, Vantage sub peak N chutes, Sunset couloir 04/14 attempted Matier NE, plan B skied Slalok N.</p>

Weather Report

<p>Up to 20cm HN 04/11-04/14. Redistributed by wind into lee aspects.</p>

Terrain Ridden

Alpine slopes, Convex slopes, Steep slopes, Sunny slopes.

Avalanche Conditions

30cm + of new snow, or significant drifting, or rain in the last 48 hours.

Snow Conditions

Crusty, Powder, Wind affected.

Weather Conditions

Cloudy, Cold, Stormy, Sunny.

Location: 50.34704419 -122.41844546