Look who we've got our Haines on now


Yukon Field Team , Thursday 14th March, 2024 8:50PM

Today we rode a 45km loop in the Nadahani area of Haines Pass. There had been up to 20cm of precip in the past 24 hours with strong southerly winds that have redistributed the new snow into wind slabs on lee aspects. Many places were scoured to the ground. Good riding quality could be found in only the most sheltered places. We dug a snow profile at 1480 meters on a NW aspect and found 340 cm of snow here. We dug down 200 cm to try and get test results on the new storm snow and the Feb Facet/ Surface Hoar layer located 70 cm below the snow surface in Haines Pass. We were able to produce moderate to hard results in compression tests on the new storm snow interface 20 cm from the snow surface and Feb Facet/ Surface Hoar layer. We observed a few natural size 1-1.5 wind slab avalanches throughout the day but were surprised by the lack of avalanche activity.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
