Skier remote Citadel E face


Went for a walk out to citadel pass and ended up ascending Citadel peak. Great travel through the meadows on semi supportive solar crust up to 2cm thick except on N aspects which held dry snow that was supportive to skinning. Solar input was cooking by 11am. A few natural rumbles, quite a bit of debris on all aspects bar North. Definitely still touchy out there so avoid avalanche terrain and really pay respect to your overhead more than usual.
One of the more benign whoompfs to consequence avalanches I've seen. Skinning up the SE shoulder of citadel peak just emerging from treeline on thin Rocky terrain I got a settlement in less than 40cm of snow that propagated into a more concave feature 50m to my right and it slid from 100m higher up at ridgeline. At first it didn't seem too large with perhaps 50cm crown in this isolated feature but once gaining the ridge I could see it had propagated over a number of ribs another 150m wide up to 1m deep crown. What's interesting is not all of the snow slid. The settlement travelled over thinner rib features where the snow remained unaffected. It was quite early and solar input was minimal if at all. I must admit the ease and distance of settlements this last month has been remarkable. Also with a seemingly lowish snowpack avalanches are running very fast and far at near historic ends. I thought my skin track was good but it got buried good.

Source: Avalanche Canada MIN
