Memekay Poke

East Island

AvCan Vancouver Island , Wednesday 5th April, 2023 3:00PM

Finally cracked the seal on a zone we long suspected might be a sledder's paradise, but the well-beaten trail suggests we may be the only island sledders that didn't know about it! We topped out at only 1050 m, but even here, moderate south winds were creating light wind transport of surface snow. Speaking of surfaces, we found anywhere from 4-15 cm of storm snow on the hard March 30 crust, less in open and south-facing areas recently kissed by the sun, more on shady slopes. A couple of steep, south facing cutblocks had size 1-1.5 wet loose avalanches on them with debris that looked fresh enough to be triggered by yesterday's warming. 250 cm snowpack at lakeside with 1 m of snow on the lake ice. Lots more exploring to do here after today's poke! Also plenty of traffic on the White River Main, where radio channel WF MIFO 5 should be used.
