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Mount West and Wheelies

northrockiesfieldteam, Tuesday 4th April, 2023 5:40PM
<p>We heard rumors of 30cm new snow in Pine Pass, over the weekend. So we rode up Mount West to check it out. Initially we rode cautiously as we knew from our previous trips that the new snow may have fallen on a variety of crusts, facets and surface hoar that may have not bonded well with the new snow. We started out first by digging down and testing this interface. There were no results but we found one to two crusts in the top of the snow pack. Then we went hunting for windslabs, starting with small low consequence slopes before stepping it up. The results were just good riding.</p>

Weather Report

<p>No wind and minimal solar</p>

Terrain Ridden

Convex slopes, Mellow slopes, Open trees, Steep slopes.

Snow Conditions

Hard, Powder.

Weather Conditions

Cloudy, Sunny.

Location: 55.38160000 -122.70271000